Empowering passionate women to attract their Divine Partner,
without the rejection of social dating, by energetically
aligning with the Laws of the Universe.
Unlock the Energetic Strategies that led to a
Fairytale Encounter and a Divine Romance.
You have Magic Within…
You just have to Choose Your Own
 Happy Ever After…

Imagine this…
A single woman and stranger to a New Town...
As an Introverted Business Owner who works alone and online, it's not the best way to meet new friends...
Let alone attract a Lover
💜✨ 💜✨ 💜✨Â
But then, stepped into my Magic….
And combined it with Science
Embodying Body, Mind, and Spirit Energetics
To Create my Dream Life...
Then used the Same Method to Expand my Business to Multi 6-Figures...
And Breeze through a Major Health ChallengeÂ
These methods transformed - and saved - my life
 💜✨ 💜✨ 💜✨Â
So why not use it to Attract
The Man of My Dreams?

And just like magic…Â
Was called to the ocean.
The only one there...
Or, so I thought...
As I dug my toes in the sand and enjoyed the sound of the sea lapping against the shore
Looked up and there he was...
Just enjoying a stroll on the beach as well.
He walks past and gently smiles and waves...
  Drawn to each other's energy, he circles back
Felt COMPLETELY safe with him from the start, as if we had already known each other...
Found out we lived in Adjacent Streets...
Both in love with the beauty of Sunrises and Sunsets...
And, so much more in common...
Turns out I even knew his niece from way back…
Found a Best Friend First and then a Lover.
Shared the Magical Process with a Few Clients, and
they also Attracted their Divine Partner.
💜✨ 💜✨ 💜✨Â

Turns out the Process of Creating with Magic is
Quite Unique to the Dating Scene
Releasing all the Self Doubt and the internal Tug of War is the Magic Ingredient
To Magnetically Attracting the Love of Your Life.
This is what I teach my clients now...Â
No more Settling for Relationships that are Unfulfilling and Border on Toxic,
No more Feeling Rejected by Dating App Ghosting,

Energetically Align with what you Truly want in a Magic Relationship,
Be a Magnet for your Divine Partner.
It’s what the Universe wants for You...
Release Old Beliefs that No Longer Serve… Â
Collapse Time.
When YOU Connect with the Desires of the Universe…
You feel Safe,
You feel Seen,
You feel Heard
Calling In The One
90 Day Container
is for passionate women who are ready
to attract the love of their life.
đź’– No more Sleazy Dates
đź’– Zero People Pleasing
đź’– No more being Second Best
Just showing up as your Authentic Self with Confidence to say Yes or No...
as you Choose...
and having the Fairy Tale Romance the way YOU want it to be…
Glitter or No Glitter… your Choice.Â
Want YOUR Happy Ever After Story to be Sprinkled with Magic?
Click the Link and Join Today…
Your Future Self will Thank You for it.Â

Consistent Miraculous Manifestations came from my Search for More…
A Deep Calling that Knew there was More to Creating than what was being
taught in Mainstream Spiritual Circles…
Discovered the True Secrets of Alchemy, combined with Science and the Love of Patterns, to Discover what True Magic Really is…
Before I started this Quest
Was a Remedial Massage Therapist experiencing the Drip-Fed Creations
in between Endless Cycles of Self-Sabotage…
Magic is a Daily Experience…
When I met my Divine Partner, the Universe knew to give me 100% proof that he was the One…
I’m a Healer and his last name isÂ
 What are the odds?
It doesn’t Matter where You are and what You know…Â
When you Step into your True Self…Â
The World becomes Full of Magic...
Frequently Asked Questions

How does this all work?
A Magical Adventure awaits you Online…
90 Day immersion…
Deep Dive into the Magic of You and Discovery of your True Nature…
Fortnightly Activation Sessions in between the Releasing Processes…

What if I’m New to Spirituality and don’t know much about Energy?
That’s the Beautiful Part…Â
The Journey will Guide you through what your Higher Self already
Knows and is Eager for You to Become…

 But Elizabeth, I’ve been Wounded before in Toxic Relationships...
Finding a Lover still feels a little scary…
What if I’m not ready yet?Â
I Hear You… was in a Similar Place just before I met Tim. Â
The Fear of Creating the Same Pattern is Real.
Calling in the One 90 Day Immersion has particularÂ
Release and Rewire Processes that Permanently Shift theÂ
Unconscious Emotions, Beliefs and Traumatic Memories
 you have Experienced in the Past so that youÂ
Don’t Create the same Experiences again.
A little nudge here… Your Higher Self must feel you are Ready
Or You wouldn’t be Reading this Page…

All the What Ifs…
I’m too Old…
Don’t have a Supermodel Figure…Â
All the Things that Society has Conditioned us to Believe is WRONG with Us!
Was 50 Years Old when I Met Tim on the Beach…
His Previous Partner has an Amazing Body and
 I’m Definitely Designed to Bear Children LOL…
The Thing about Attracting your Divine Partner is thatÂ
YOU and YOUR partner areÂ
A Perfect Match…Â
Tim has Faults too AND we Both Deeply LoveÂ
each other Exactly the Way we are…

But Elizabeth, What if I don’t get Results?
The Truth is we are Always getting Results…
And, just the Fact that you are Asking this QuestionÂ
Means that you Deeply Want those Results, Right?
Stepping into your Higher Self Wisdom means You will KnowÂ
Exactly what to Do and Who you are Becoming toÂ
Get the Results that You Desire…

I know this is a Group Program...
What if my journey has been quite Unique?...
How will you be able to Address my Unique Story?
Attending a Group Program brings in a very Powerful Collective Energy.Â
This will help You to Unlock your Unique Situation,
embody it as your Superpower and use it to your Advantage.